Editorial guidelines

Global Mobility Lawyer (GML) aims to be accurate, fair, and independent in its reporting. If you spot an error in our reporting then please contact the editor-in-chief, John van der Luit-Drummond, as soon as possible explaining the issues in question.

If your complaint cannot be resolved by the editor, then please contact company director Nic O'Callaghan. Agreed corrections will be made quickly and candidly in the original article.

Should you disagree with the conclusions made in a published article, then GML offers a right of reply to legitimate and meritorious arguments that can provide readers with a different perspective on a particular topic.

Share a story

Readers and public relations professionals can send press releases, news suggestions, and confidential tips direct to the editor or via the editorial team email. We will contact you if we are interested in following up on your story. Where applicable, please provide evidence or documentation, such as research reports or data, to support your story.

Write for us

GML is committed to providing its readers with the latest news and informed opinion from the global mobility law community.

In addition to its journalism, GML welcomes thought-leadership contributions from in-house counsel, private practice lawyers and barristers, HR professionals, and global mobility managers.

Pitches should be sent by email to Amy Barnicoat-Hood. When making your pitch, please provide an abstract of your article. This should consist of a general introduction to the topic and a brief (no more than 100 words) non-technical summary of the points or arguments you wish to make. If approved, the article should be exclusive to GML and not be sent to other commercial titles.

Comment and opinion pieces should be between 800 and 1,000 words in length and be largely free of legalese. Legal updates can be up to 1,200 words long, but, again, please write in a clear manner free of technical jargon.

Please also provide a headline, a short, one-sentence biography (with a hyperlink to your more extensive law firm or company bio, if appropriate), and a high-resolution headshot of the author. Please be aware that GML is not an academic journal so footnotes should not be used. Instead, we would appreciate the inclusion of your sources in the relevant text as hyperlinks.

Draft articles in Word format will be edited to conform with GML's house style, which includes the use of British English, and for accuracy or brevity. Should substantial changes be necessary, a draft edit will be returned to the author for their approval or further comment.

Once published, we ask that the article remain exclusive to GML for a two-week period, after which time it may be republished on your own website with credit and a hyperlink back to GML. Sharing articles on your social media platforms with links to GML is welcomed.

Contributing authors grant GML a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free licence to use, edit, alter, adapt, translate, copy, and publish the content. The licence exists whether or not the author is a subscriber. If the author wishes to reproduce any content which GML has altered or edited, we reserve the right to make a charge.

Finally, GML is under no obligation to publish an article if it does not conform to our requirements, is found to be defamatory, is deemed inaccurate, appears to be an advertorial, or differs substantially from the original pitch.