Visas UK to clamp down on rogue employers hiring overseas workers No longer will employers be able to flout the rules with little consequence, says minister Image John van der Luit-Drummond Editor-in-Chief Thursday 28 November 2024 Businesses that commit serious offences will be banned from hiring overseas workers as part of a UK government crackdown on visa abuse and labour exploitation. Get AccessContinue reading Global Mobility LawyerAlready have access? Login now Email Enter your email address. Password Enter the password that accompanies your email address. Reset your passwordLog in Need access? Find out how to enjoy unlimited accessGet access You might also like... Sponsorship Major gaps in UK oversight of foreign care sector workers Compliance Defining seafarers and their protections under UK law Sponsorship Can loose language requirements plug UK labour gap? Income Tax Changes to non-dom rules make UK a “less attractive place to work”